All persons having business before The Invisible Edge are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the blog is now sitting. For the rest of this week the Edge shall sit silent as much, much, much needs to be done in the brick and mortar world of graduations and in-laws staying at the homestead. If there is time for blogging it will be at
Cinema Styles.
Upon returning The Invisible Edge will officially kick off "Beach Bums Month" in which every post in June is a "Beach Bums" post. Why? For one, it's gimmicky and cheap gimmickry is exalted here at the Edge. Two, I have more of those weird, inexplicable beach photos than you can possibly imagine. In fact, if you had a stick and I laid out all the beach photos in front of you and you then started shaking the stick at them, it would easily exceed the stick's load capacity for shaking.
And, I have just uploaded dozens more so...